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Spiritual Sally - The Change Journey
Spiritual Sally - The Change Journey
Spiritual Sally - The Change Journey
Spiritual Sally - The Change Journey
Spiritual Sally - The Change Journey
Spiritual Sally - The Change Journey
Spiritual Sally - The Change Journey


And My Own Change Journey

In 2005 I woke up one day and realised I was married to a man I didn’t love, with no career, interests or hobbies. I had no idea what I wanted to do in life or what made me happy. My whole life had been led by what I thought I "should" do and what others expected of me. For 33 years I had put everyone else's needs first, my cup was completely empty and I thought to myself “how on earth did I end up here?” 


However, my next thought was, “what’s wrong with you?”. I wasn’t being abused, I lived in a nice house, I had two boys I loved, there were people who were far worse off than me. Who was I to be complaining?

​But I also came to the conclusion that living a mediocre life wasn’t enough for me, that I deserved to be happy, deserved to find out what it is that I want from life.

Nikki Lane - The Change Journey

So with a 5 & 3 year old in tow, I left my marriage.


This was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. 


I went on a deep journey of self-awareness. I started to ask myself, ‘What will make you happy?’ ‘What do you want to achieve in life?’ and a very big part of that was my journey into ‘Why am I here?’ ‘Why have I created this life?’


Unhappiness, separation, divorce and healing set me off on my Change Journey of self discovery to find my self belief, self love, self acceptance and most importantly my self worth.


And it hasn’t finished yet. As I continue to grow and expand in my self-awareness, my Change Journey continues to evolve. It’s a lot smoother and definitely more fun than what it was at the start, but that’s what a journey is about isn’t it? . . . it’s a journey. One with many ups and downs, twists and turns and even a few changes in direction occasionally.


My Change Journey has brought so many lessons, and I am grateful for each and every one. I know from my experiences that I am strong and resilient and I know that no matter how hard a situation gets, I can get through it on my own steam.


My life now is one lived with joy. I am married to the most amazing man. My boys have both grown into funny, responsible, wonderful, charming men, whose lives I’m truly proud to be a part of. I do what brings me joy. I’ve completely changed my perspective on things (and people), so they don’t bother me anymore. My self-awareness grows every day. And I continue to be inspired by what I find.


I am truly honoured to be sharing my Change Journey learnings with women from all around the world so that they too can realise that they deserve better than a mediocre life and that by gaining self-awareness, they can live a life they love. 


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